Friday, February 27, 2009

Crazy People

Sorry for not posting in a while (kind of). So, yesterday I was walking on campus (I'm a student again/still for those out of the Wyatt loop) and a girl, appearing to be perfectly normal and sane, looked at me and told me very loudly, "I'm never playing with you guys again!" I walked to class but started thinking about all the things that crazy people have yelled at me in my life, what have crazy people yelled you? Alternately, if you're a crazy person, what have you yelled at other people?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Current Events

I thought I'd write a little something documenting what Los Wilsons have been up to the past couple weeks.

First off I had the opportunity to fly to Utah (alone) President's Day weekend to visit my brother and his family...along with my sister-in-laws. It was a great trip that consisted of nothing but relaxing. We watched movies, put two puzzles together and ate lots of yummy food! Here is a picture of my cute niece and nephew modeling one of our completed puzzles. I'm excited to see them again when they come visit in July!

Next up Wyatt and I spent the day exploring one of Portland's parks on Friday. It was merely an excuse to go out and enjoy the gorgeous weather. (As a side note, Portland has been experiencing some very unusual NICE weather this winter. I think I've see the sun more frequently then I've seen the rain. If the weather was always this nice in Portland I might be more inclined to want to plant my roots here. That is if I could avoid all the smug liberal hippies. Regardless, I've had no complaints this winter!)

When was the last time you teeter-tottered?

Notice us squinting...

Saturday we cashed in our "once a year" ski trip. We picked the perfect day to go too. Sunshine, warm weather, no wind, and hardly a crowd. We skiied until our legs turned to Jello. What a fantastic day! I love skiing and am so lucky that Wyatt not only loves to ski too but can keep up with me. Okay, that's a lie, I was chasing him the whole day. The only thing I have left to do now is write Mt. Hood Meadow's and express my disatisfaction with their redicuously high prices ($70 per ticket?!!! That's Rocky Mountain RESORT prices (which I think are equally redicuously overpriced as well)).

And finally that brings me to yesterday. Wyatt wanted to make oatmeal cookies for the people he home teaches, however, I didn't have a recipe for oatmeal cookies. We had 25 minutes until he needed to be out the door and picked the first recipe we found from my odd collection of recipe books. In hindsight it would've been better to taken the extra three seconds to do a quick google search. Half-way into the recipe (that called for four cups of flour and four cups of oatmeal (I suggested we half the recipe but Wyatt was determined)) we discovered it called for molassas. As you are probably aware, the modern-day traditional oatmeal cookie does not call for molassas. So the end result was four-dozen oatmeal cookies that neither Wyatt or I really liked. We gave two dozen away to his families, threw away another dozen and plan on using the last dozen as paper weights. The moral of the story - don't try to make oatmeal cookies in 25-minutes using a recipe that calls for molassas.

sure they look yummy...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Six-Word Memoirs: The Valentine's Day Edition

I was listening to “Talk of the Nation” on NPR yesterday and the topic of discussion was “Six-Word Memoirs: The Valentine’s Day Edition”. The challenge was given to sum up your love life in exactly six words. It was thoroughly entertaining to hear the creativity of the many memoirs submitted by all the callers and emailers. Although I did enjoy the happy stories more than the memoirs that told the story of unsuccessful love (even though the sad ones were just as creative as the happy ones).

I decided to take the challenge myself and create my own six-word love life memoir. Who knew that writing six words could be so much fun?! As it turns out a good portion of my day was occupied by creating several six-word love memoirs. Here is a small sample of some of the memoirs I created – all dedicated to my favorite person, Wyatt.

I was cute. You were smart.

You fled. I followed. You surrendered.

She’s cute! She’s available? She’s crazy.

Glad I get you for eternity.

I dare you to write your own six-word love memoir. I bet you’ll be addicted too. If you want to read the hundreds of six-worded memoirs submitted to the show – or even listen to the show, click on this link. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Question of the Week

Here is my question of the week:

What is the difference between a chocolate muffin and chocolate cake? Does the muffin make it socially acceptable to eat chocolate in the morning? I'm pretty certain they're the same thing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Food Blogs

I thought I'd share two of my favorite food blogs with you. In case you were looking for some light reading material that can get your salivation glands working. Or something that will make you laugh.

1. Smitten Kitchen
I was introduced to this blog courtesy of the Dyer family. This is the blog I like to read 15 minutes before I'm supposed to leave work and am tired of doing real work. It's a form of self torture. I have made this and this - and both were excellent!

2. Cake Wrecks
Thanks to my SIL Malya for introducing this one to me. It makes me laugh every time. My all time favorite is this post. Happy reading!