I'm a bit hesitant to post anything about my past birthday. Not because it was a crappy birthday, in fact it was just the opposite, it was a grand day. But merely because I've already posted twice about my birthday this month and I feel like I'd be a beating a dead horse if I did a third. However, I know many of you are curious to know how the big day turned out. So in order to appease my audience, I will post one last time about the subject and cease to speak of it again...at least until next year...
First off, I want to thank everyone that wished me a happy day! I felt really loved and special! Overall the day wasn't anything spectacular but it was special to me - and that is all that counts. Here is what I did:
Worked for 10-hours (my work is doing a trial four 10-hour schedule) - this is what I look like in the tenth hour
Received a surprise visit from my mum-in-law and four nieces and nephews who serenaded "happy birthday" to me...AND showered me with gifts for the Beavers Game (it was a surprise visit so I didn't know to have my camera with me when I was called to the front desk - this picture doesn't do the event justice, it's merely a representation of the event)
Went to PGE park for the Beavers game
Sat in the 90+ degree weather watching the baseball game (we hit a record high that day of 102d! It was hot, even at 8pm in the evening. Poor Wyatt was obviously very uncomfortable but stuck through it in my honor - what a man!)
Opened presents...I did that before the game but this is one of the things Wyatt gave me. A new pair of Pyrameds slippers shipped all the way from Haleiwa, Hawaii. I love them! I love them because they're my favorite kind of slippers and I would NEVER buy them for myself. Wyatt is good at buying me gifts I would never buy myself. That sounds bad. Not that I don't want those gifts, it's just that I'm cheap sometimes. He also bought me cake and cookie decorating tips from Sur la Table! I'm equally as excited about those!
I'm sad to say that I only ate one hotdog. Pretty pathetic for all the excitement I had about the things. However, the sky looked really awesome!
As it turns out there was on a smog warning all weekend. Even Portland has pollution. I know, pollution is bad, except for the amazing sunsets it makes. This picture doesn't do any justice to the real deal. I'm wondering if we could've captured a better shot if we had Wyatt's fancy camera on hand? We'll never know. If you blow this image up you can see that the sun was red. It was spectacular!
We had to document that we were there witnessing the sunset...
First off, I want to thank everyone that wished me a happy day! I felt really loved and special! Overall the day wasn't anything spectacular but it was special to me - and that is all that counts. Here is what I did: