Despite the fact that I didn't get to spend my birthday for free with the
mouse - it was a really good day. Unfortunately there was little documentation taken of the day and the above picture is the most flattering one we have on file (we're really striking out over here).
There wasn't any one thing that stands out. Except for the part of my day where my loyal
friend met me at the swim park (with her three kids) for our summer Friday ritual (despite the fact it wasn't even close to swimming weather) with a yummy gourmet sandwich and cookies. I am very grateful for her dedication to my 27th-year-in-life cause. (Did I mention it was also her anniversary?) My birthday was also filled with many birthday salutations - so thank you to all for making me feel special!
I ate a ton this weekend! Which you would think would warrant enough reason to stop eating but no... Why stop doing something when you're good at it? My stomach is going to have a rude awakening tomorrow when I'm not stuffing it full at every available minute. Sorry stomach...
Stay tuned for a later post on my recent obsession of Julia Child. I saw the new movie that highlighted part of her life and I really enjoyed it. (I think the other story about the Julie chick wasn't as exciting...) I am currently reading a book about Julia Child (a birthday gift) and am in love with her! She has such a cheerful persona - a very admirable trait! Did I mention she was in love with food? I think we might've been friends in heaven...