Sunday, November 2, 2008

Daylight Savings

Did anyone else forget that it was Daylight Savings at 2am this morning? I had NO idea until Wyatt and I were walking out the door to church and discovered that our microwave clock was an hour ahead or our bedroom clock and cell phones. With a bit of deductive reasoning we figured out that it was Daylight Savings. Thank goodness for automatic-setting alarm clocks! Even though I'm glad we didn't totally sleep in, I can't help but feel a bit gyped that I didn't know I was going to get an extra hour of sleep. There is something exciting about having that bit of information the night before...


Jim said...

I guess that explains why you guys had good seats.

The Babkm5 said...

I always am reminded days before and then can't stop thinking about it until I have changed all can be very mind consuming! By the way I re-did the Look-a-Like meters with updated pics and there was really no difference.

Ashley said...

We were totally late for church because of some mixed up clocks. My phone and Spencer's phone didn't change correctly.

TheHQforHQ said...

I didn't even know. I thought it was later in November--all mixed up from when they switched it from the first weekend in October to the end and now some time in November. I guess it's the first weekend. I was already for church and then realized my roommate's bedroom door wasn't even open, and she's usually up before me. Thank goodness for that or I would have gone all the way to church.

Josette said...

sorry you were jipped...but if it makes you feel any better...charlotte did not realize it was daylight savings either

kelsey said...

We also didn't know, but coming from a week of not knowing even what day it was, it wasn't too bad of a shock. Stalk away my friend, stalk away!

Jeanna said...

We knew, and it was great. We have forgotten before, back when we lived in Orem. Ended up at church an hour early. Super lame.