Friday, July 24, 2009

Police Man Pulls Bicyclists Over

Dear Police Officer that pulled us over while we were riding our bikes,

Really? You had nothing better to do today? It's not like we were fully clad in spandex and helmets. We obviously didn't know the rules of the bicyclist road. But I guess you thought otherwise with our swimsuits and flip-flops - I'm sure it's what most bicyclist wear these days. Okay, I can understand your desire to get the word out that bicyclist follow the same rules as motorist...but did you really have to write a ticket, for BOTH of us?! We paused at the stop sign! We looked both ways! It's not like we completely blew it! Don't you have meth labs to bust or drunk drivers to arrest? Just know that we don't like you. And we probably won't be going to Costa Rica in the winter like we planned since we each owe the City of Lake Oswego $250! Next time I think a warning will be sufficient.

Questioning your tactics to fight crime,


Kim said...

Wow, they do that?! Had no idea. But swimsuits and flip-flops are okay if ones stops at the line by the red sign, right? I'll file that for the day that I get a bike. Good luck with Costa Rica! Hope you use that money to keep officers busy with other things Lake Oswego!

Dan said...

fight it

mom/Janet said...

don't pay a penny until you have fought it. Come on - - what the heck?

Josette said...

fight 'til the death!!! fight, fight, fight!!!

Raina said...

Ok.. I just found your blog for the first time, and I have to say that I'm FURIOUS for you! NO WAY!!! This one just gets me totally upset. I'm sorry to hear about it, and I hope you can fight this one for sure.

Ryan Bingham said...

AWFUL! If they waive speeding tickets, which they sometimes do, I'm sure you have a lot of luck with the judge you're sent to! Be real nice and maybe he'll laugh his head off at the rediculous police officer out there ruining people's summer days. Sorry for the crappy deal!

Jake said...

F the po-lice!

JD said...

I would have told him to go hug a tree and been fined $400... ;)

Yeah, appeal and fight that. Somebody must have been a little bitter that day...

Mel said...

Whoa! I knew Oregonians were crazy about the bike vs. car thing, but really? $500? Holy Cow. Sorry this happened to you - that sum is outrageous!

kelsey said...

EACH??? Can you please send this officer up here, we actually have some spandex-clads that could use a talking to. But then again, maybe it was prejudice because you didn't have any spandex on? Rude no matter how you slice it.

Satirical Gangster said...

I heard that if you go "Oink oink oink oink oink" cops let you off with a warning. I want to officially wecome you to the "failure to yeild to a traffic control device" club. I went to the courthouse to pay in person and they knocked it down to $180. Why didn't you turn off into the woods and leave the Krispy Kreme inspector in the dust?