Thursday, January 27, 2011

The "F" Word

Yes, I know. I’ve been awfully quiet lately… Perhaps you’ve thought I’ve been up to no good (much like those suspiciously quiet kids you discover using finger nail polish to paint the bed skirt (true story about one of my nieces)). But alas, I indeed have been up to no good. But let’s not talk about that. Instead, I thought I might briefly shine some light on the aspect of my life that has been occupying much of my time these days... My new job.

Yes, that’s right! I have a new job! Though, I wonder if I can really call it “new” since I’ve been working at my current employer for two-months now. Perhaps I’ve been delaying my announcement to my bloggy readers since I didn’t actually know how to explain what I do. That is, until this week. My company just wrapped-up the semi-annual sales meeting that unveiled some exciting new developments. Before I share with you the flashy version summarizing what I do, I’ll give you the same shpeel I used to gloss over when I was asked the question, “what do you do?”

“I am part of the business development team for a life insurance company that specializes in policies specifically for funerals. In other words, I work for a funeral planning company.”

I even had one friend go as far to ask, “What exactly do you do to develop the business for a funeral planning company? Do they give you a shotgun and send you out to develop business?” (It was actually quite funny. I’m actually laughing right now as I type.)

I still do work in business development… But after this week, I’m going to refer all inquires here: (Quick note: this isn't the official website of my company, Lincoln Heritage. It's merely a resource for potential customers to learn more about pre-planning a funeral.)

You should check-it-out. There are a lot of fun, touching, well-done videos. Our marketing crew did a fantastic job! I think it’ll make it easier for people to discuss the “f-word”. And most importantly, help people to understand a little bit better about what I do.

Ta-ta for now!


Anonymous said...

Let me be the first!

This was good to learn about, because I was one of those people who wondered just what in the world you did at your new job that you loved it so much. And, it makes sense now, that you asked me recently if I had done anything to plan for my funeral. I remarked that I had. And, that I had it recorded but I guessed it was about time to let the family know so that what I want will be what I get--even though the funeral is for the living I am going to be peeking to see if I had any friends or not by the people who show up.

So, I will organize the how you will pay for it (I know a family years ago whose two teen-aged brothers died and it nearly cost them everything they had to bury the boys), the where I will be, and the what I want for the service and make sure you all are on the same page. That it is not something my husband choses, because I don't think he knows my likes and dislikes very well--at least not as well as my children do. (I think.)

Blog some more! Enjoyed reading it.
Love, Momma

Josette said...

so glad to have a sign of your being aliveness. also glad you like your new job. huzzah!

Jen said...

I am excited that you love your new job so much. I think it is really hard to think about the F word, but it makes a ton of sense to do it now. And, keep posting, because we all love your blog!

The Babkm5 said...

I know the person that asked you that funny question. He makes me laugh all the time. I have wondered if you dropped off into a dark hole the last couple months. We need to play!