Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Do's and Don'ts with Babies

In honor of all our soon-to-be parents. Just a couple guidelines to follow to guarantee an accident free parenthood. Courtesy of my friend Tessa.


Minna Dyer said...

I laughed OUT LOUD on this one!
I'm sorry to say, some might really need these as reminders.

ThE RaSmUsSeN's said...

I'm sorry but fingers are a lot easier and effecient than those boogersuckers!!!

Jeff said...

What are you trying to say? That I'm not supposed to serve a child Jack Daniels? I may have to rethink a few things.

kelsey said...

What is really funny, is that I was just showing these to Aaron a couple days ago and was thinking about posting them. I'm glad you did, because they are real good advice.

Anonymous said...

When Harold saw these he was laughing his famous laugh and I couldn't help but laugh out loud too just listening to him.

You failed to include the breast feeding pic, I am sure there was a good reason for that. :)

Malya said...

Buckling up baby was my favorite. Maisie is wondering, where were you 16 months ago?...

Anonymous said...

I actually slept in a drawer for the first month of my life, no joke. It has made me the man I am today.

Let that be your warning.