For those of you who are wondering what exactly Wyatt does as the bread winner - I have dedicated this post to Wyatt's current job - The Client Liaison. Wyatt works for a small law firm called Vial & Fotheringham where they practice "HOA Law". Basically, the firm sues developers on behalf of the HOA's (Home Owners Associations) for construction defect. They also work with Property Management companies to "chase after" home owners who are delinquent on paying their HOA dues. "Where does Wyatt com in?" you ask... He is the marketing guy. He writes the newsletters, delivers cookies to clients (property management companies - you know, to butter them up) and plans forums - to educated home owners, property managers and HOA board memebers on the in's and out's of the rules and laws of HOA's. If you ask me, if I had to work in a law firm, I'd rather have Wyatt's job than the job of the attorneys.
So this weekend we went to Bend, OR. Wyatt had planned a forum there and so we made a mini trip of it. However, I must confess, it wasn't much of a "vacation" for Wyatt. He was hard at work setting the conference room up and getting things ready for and during the forum. And being the nice wife that I am (I have to give myself props!) I helped too. This was the first time I got to see Wyatt hard at work (in reference to the forums). It was a lot of fun to see all his ideas and hard work come to life. The forums are a new theme every year. Last year was a western theme. This time round it was Polynesian and the next round of forums will be Pirate themed. So now, one might understand a little better on why I always say, "I want Wyatt's job".
So this weekend we went to Bend, OR. Wyatt had planned a forum there and so we made a mini trip of it. However, I must confess, it wasn't much of a "vacation" for Wyatt. He was hard at work setting the conference room up and getting things ready for and during the forum. And being the nice wife that I am (I have to give myself props!) I helped too. This was the first time I got to see Wyatt hard at work (in reference to the forums). It was a lot of fun to see all his ideas and hard work come to life. The forums are a new theme every year. Last year was a western theme. This time round it was Polynesian and the next round of forums will be Pirate themed. So now, one might understand a little better on why I always say, "I want Wyatt's job".
Our hotel and the location of the forum was right on the Deschutes River. Which looks more like a "Colorado" river (a small stream) than like an "Oregon" river. If you look over Wyatt's shoulder and my head - that is where the forum took place.
Wyatt has always told me how much Bend reminds him of Colorado. And how much he thinks I'll "really like" it. He was right. Bend is a tad bit more green but it does have a strong Colorado look to it. Especially this picture. When I think of Colorado I always think of the mountains - and this picture resembles what you'd see looking west from Denver. And yes, it was sunny and perfect in Bend while Portland was cloudy and rainy. I just don't know if I would be able to handle the idea of living so far away from a big city...
Nice that you got to tag along on the trip. I always loved going to Hawaii with Harold, but he is still bitter about how every time we were in Hawaii he was working and I was sunning myself.
Wyatt, what is up with the facial hair? Can I start calling you Grizzly Adams now?
Jeanna and Harold and Co. came over to my place for dinner. They were telling me that you had a blog and didn't even dawn on me that when you posted to my blog that perhaps that might mean that you have one too! Duh. I'm a little out of it these days though... being pregnant seems to do that to me. I will from now on be posting more comments, as will my mother I am sure. :)
Oregon is beautiful. It's been awhile since I lived there, but I do remember it being really green. Love the pics.
Nice Aloha print shirt Wyatt. It is screamin Laie. J/k
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