Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Super Shopper

Wyatt and I went to Albie's (our trendy name for Albertson's) last night. I love grocery shopping when I can get super good deals! Our total bill was $12.05. Here is a break down of what we bought:

5 boxes of Instant Quaker Oatmeal - Variety of Flavors
1 (42oz.) Quaker Old Fashioned Oat Meal
1 (24oz.) Aunt Jamima Syrup
1 box Life cereal
1 box Quaker Granola Bars
2 (46oz.) bottles Juicy Juice - it's 100% juice!
1 Spice Island Chipotle Chile Spice

That means each item came out to be $1 each. Not bad....

This is how we did it. Quaker products and syrup on sale for 10 for $10. Juicy Juice on sale for 4 for $10 (or in our case 2 for $5). And Chipotle spice on sale for ~ $6.50 (regularly $11.00). So that brought things down to be a total of about $21.50. Then we used $7.60 in Manufacture Coupons - and that brought the grand total to be $12.05!!!!

Without all the savings - we would have paid $60.07!

Just to put it into perspective. Costco sells Instant Quaker Oatmeal Variety Packs - 55 packets for $9.99. We bought 52 packets for $5. Half the price!

I'm sure you're wondering what we're going to do with all this oatmeal. Wyatt eats the instant stuff for breakfast every morning. The Old Fashioned oats are for no bake cookies (and other various needs), juice is for Wyatt - he goes through one in about a week, syrup for pancakes and Chipotle spice for cooking. So everything has a need.

This post is dedicated to Jeanna for getting me hooked on coupon shopping and my crave to find good deals on groceries! Muchas Gracias!


Team Carroll said...

So I've been meaning for several days to post a comment on your blog, but keep forgetting. I'm so impressed with this one though that I HAD to post! :) Great job!! Yes, I am happy any time I can save at least 50% in coupons and special prices. I had a great trip last week where I saved 65% I believe. I felt great!! :)

I love your blog. It always makes me laugh out loud. I also reminds me of how great a friend you are and how much I miss you! I wish we weren't so far away! Hopefully in a few years we'll make it out West, though probably Colorado.

Josette said...

this is funny...i can just imagine you telling me all about your great shopping deals had we gone running together this morning

Collette said...

That is impressive. I thought my little 54 dollar thing was great. You are the bargain queen!! I need to collect coupons more and pay attention to sales. Way to go. Maybe you can come shopping with me sometime.

Jeanna said...

Good girl and thanks for the dedication. I went to Albie's myself this weekend, but everything was OUT and I had to get rain checks. I was sorely disappointed. We are down to only 25 boxes of cereal or so, that means I need to get cracking!