Tuesday, August 7, 2012

thirty days of 30 - day 23

Brittany, age 23.
This picture was taken the night Wyatt and I met.  (You can see Wyatt in the bottom right corner.)  You might wonder if we met at a costume party, no we did not.  For whatever random reason, I got the strange idea to dress in my friend's little-girl-that-she-nannied tennis clothes.  I was the only one not wearing normal clothes.  I'm sure that contributed to why Wyatt thought I was crazy.

 I just added this picture because I like it.  This was our canoe trip to Boundary Waters up in Minnesota.  I know you can't see faces but the gal up front is my dedicated blog fan, Josette.  She's also a BFF, whom I miss very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much!  I'm in the middle with the red bandanna.  This was the same trip where Liz (in age 22 picture) LIED to us and said that she wasn't able to buy the trail mix from Costco like we requested.  (We found it hidden in the trunk of the car once we arrived at Boundary Waters.) Remember that?!  

Day 23 Festivities: Lunchtime matinee movie
I have always wanted to go to the movies during my lunch break.  Every time I am close to reaching my dreams (I know, I aim high), I chicken out and justify my standard eat-in routine.  Not today!  I let nothing stop me!  Including the current terrible selection of movies.  I was committed.  Even if I was taking an extra-long lunch break to watch The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days.  I know, like I said, I was committed.  (Plus Tuesday’s are six-dollar movies at the theater right by my work.)  As it turns out, my very very low expectations made the movie quite enjoyable.  I even LOL’d during some scenes.  It was the perfect mid-day work break.  Ahhhh….  Oh, and PS – this was only the second time in my life I’ve gone to the movies alone.  I felt a bit awkward and naked without someone by my side. 

Something about me:  Wyatt is my favorite.  That's what I always tell him, "You're my favorite."  He's my favorite of all.


Josette said...

you need to make that picture bigger of us on the boat...i can barely tell that it's people. i miss you too! lunchtime matinee movie sounds fun!! i have never gone to the movies by myself but would definitely do it if the chance ever arises.

Josette said...

oh! and i totally laughed when i read about the liz/trail mix thing. we were so mad! HAHAHAHAHA! funny stuff.