Tuesday, August 7, 2012

thirty days of 30 - day 22

Brittany, age 22.
With friend and roommate Liz.
Day 22 Festivities: Driving range Watch the sunset Look at the pink sky
Well, I’ve noticed a theme with Mondays.  I’m usually too tired from my weekend partying to muster any energy for… anything.  Today was no exception.  Well, that’s not entirely true.  I did cook dinner, clean two bathrooms, clean my kitchen, and fold two loads of laundry (Wyatt was in charge of washing/drying).  (We have guests staying with us this week.)  By the time we were done eating it was 7:30pm and the driving range closes at 8pm.  Plus, one of us had the grumpies and didn’t feel like going to the driving range.  It was a long day for everyone…

Wyatt suggested that instead, we watch the sunset.  So I quickly researched the time the sun would set and we hurried on our way.  (We don't go anywhere romantic, our sun-spotting preference is at the local community college because it has a giant balcony that has an unobstructed westward view.By the time we arrived, we realized that the 8:32pm scheduled time was meant for the coast and not for inland cities where the sun sinks below the distant mountains.  We missed the sun and were left to enjoy residue of the pink sky. 

Something about me:  I was an expat when I was two-years-old.  My dad was an engineer for Ball Corporation and at the time they provided several opportunities for my family to live abroad.  Unfortunately for me, Berlin, Germany was the last stop and I missed out on many of the same experiences my older siblings enjoyed.  Even so, I had quite the list of visited countries that by the time I went to school, I was a world traveler.  I even visited such non-existent countries like Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic and Slovakia).

1 comment:

Josette said...

i love to look at the pink sky.
which one of you had the grumpies?